Terms and Condition

Terms of Service



The Terms & Conditions, Policies & Procedures, and the Affluence Business Plan collectively are the contract, that governs the relationship between Affluence Global (hereinafter referred to as “AFFLUENCE”), and any person or entity that engages in business as an Independent Distributor of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL products (hereinafter referred to as “Partner”, “Affiliate” or “Independent Distributor”. The terms “you” and “your” refer to each Partner, “We, us, our,” and the “Company” refer to AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

When you become a Partner, you are in business – and immediately have access to your website, shopping cart, and Back Office. Follow the instructions in the welcome email and complete your registration and activate your account. If you do not receive your welcome email within 3 business days of submitting your application, you are responsible for contacting the Head Office to confirm your contact information.

As an Independent Distributor of AFFLUENCE, you are required to read, understand, and comply with the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures contained in your contract; AFFLUENCE may change these policies and rules from time to time at its sole discretion. Updates to the contract may be found on the official company website. Violation of the contract by a Partner may result in immediate termination of his/her membership.

AFFLUENCE GLOBAL honours all Federal, Regional, Provincial/State, and local regulations governing direct sales and network marketing, as the case may be. Partners are required to honour all the rules and regulations governing direct selling as regulated by Direct Sellers Association (DSA) in their jurisdiction or any other local enactments. Failure to comply with said statutes and regulations could result in the termination of the membership.

The primary applicant (1st line) or co-applicant cannot be changed except by official transfer of the membership by Head Office.



Any person who is 18 years of age or of legal age in their country may apply to become a Partner of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. Anyone below the legal age to contract must have the consent of his or her parent/guardian. Upon receipt of a signed or on-line application, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, at its sole discretion, can accept or reject an application.

Once the application has been accepted, the person officially becomes an Independent Distributor of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL and will be sent a welcome email containing login information and instructions.


An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner is an independent distributor that holds and operates an AFFLUENCE Global E-Mall. All E-Mall operators are subject to AFFLUENCE Global’s policies and procedures and, when in good standing, have access to the products and programs offered by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner may be identified as an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL “Business Owner”, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL “Business Builder”, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL “Promoter” or AFFLUENCE GLOBAL “Associate”.

AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners are not Partner shareholders as defined in this agreement for membership.


Each ranked package includes a business start-up component; your initial subscription provides you with a turnkey business, your first product package, website, shopping cart, and administration and business tools. This subscription is one-time for as long as you are a Partner. Please note that all funds are in US dollars or their local currency equivalence (unless otherwise stated) and may incur a currency conversion and a processing fee.

Upgrade to a ranked membership can be done at any time online, by talking to your up-line sponsor or contacting Customer Services at AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

An AFFLUENCE Global E-Mall membership can be purchased directly from AFFLUENCE Global or purchased from another AFFLUENCE Global Partner subject to AFFLUENCE office acceptance and authorization. Membership transfers can only be done by the office and can be subject to transfer fees. The new Partners of transferred accounts must follow the AFFLUENCE Global “Policies and Procedures” to its fullest.

AFFLUENCE GLOBAL reserves the right to alter, amend, or cancel any aspect of its Policies and Procedures at any time, at its sole discretion.  This includes changes to product pricing, compensation plans, and any other terms and conditions.

No Partner will be permitted a beneficial interest in more than one membership nor in different lines of the entire organization.


Membership cancellations will be accepted if AFFLUENCE GLOBAL office is advised of the cancellation in writing to the Company or by email. If a Partner’s activates his account within the prescribed 3-day cooling-off period, they may be subject to a partial refund based on the following:

Regardless of the chosen package, there will be an automatic deduction of US$50.00 plus a fulfillment fee, and any other appropriate fee.

Suppose a Partner has activated his account within 3 days of becoming a Partner, the 3-day cooling-off period becomes void (A request for a refund under such circumstances will be considered a voluntary termination, and will be treated accordingly.)

If a Partner upgrades within their 3-day cooling-off period, then the 3-day cooling-off period becomes void (A request for a refund under such circumstances will be considered a voluntary termination and will be treated accordingly.) Any time an upgrade of membership takes place, they are non-refundable.


When applying online, the enroller enters the new Partner’s information into the system, and the new Partner’s E-MALL is immediately placed in their genealogy.

In the Compensation Plan, a Partner may only sponsor two new AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners directly into their front-line. All other personally-enrolled Partners will be selectively placed within their own Group for the benefit of either the left or the right team; at the discretion of the enroller.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL encourages people to join with the Partner who brought them to their first presentation. An Enroller of the new Partner will be paid the wholesale profits on product package sales. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners are encouraged to keep proof of correspondence with their prospects.

AFFLUENCE GLOBAL shall regard the first signed application via hand, mail, e-mail (reply), or online received by the corporate office as binding; subject to the preceding paragraph. The Enroller will receive future bonuses and incentives from the new Partner’s activity commencing as of the date the application is approved by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

The enroller may be notified in case of payment declined, monthly maintenance (auto-ship) unsubscription requests, and membership termination requests. Change of enroller is not permitted except at the Company’s discretion.


The AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Support System is an important aspect in ensuring the success of each and every Partner. You must fulfill your leadership responsibilities as an Enroller.

Proof of performance of such activities must be kept and made available to AFFLUENCE GLOBAL on request. Failure to provide satisfactory proof of such activities can result in the suspension of account or commission holdback at the company’s sole discretion.

A Partner who enrolls other Partners is obligated to provide optimal service and training for his or her team of Partners (left and right teams – down-line) and their groups.

A Partner is encouraged to be judicious when distributing internal newsletters, conducting training workshops, and other programs to their down-line group. A Partner must exercise the utmost caution to avoid giving the impression that they are acting as an employee of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

If, for any reason, these conditions are not met, the account may be suspended or terminated at the company’s sole discretion. In the event that the Partner has not met the enroller responsibilities, the company, at its sole discretion, has the right to move any down line or team to a position in the Binary where they can receive adequate support to help them succeed.


Partners are allowed to own one E-Mall per person only. Having ownership in more than one E-Mall without the written approval of the company is strictly prohibited and against AFFLUENCE GLOBAL’s policies and procedures.

The company must also approve purchasing E-Malls for children in advance. No Partner will be permitted a beneficial interest in more than one membership without the written approval of the company.

Launching fake E-Malls or under alias names for the purpose of increasing your compensation plan milestones is against direct-selling regulations. It is considered “compensation plan fraud” by the company. In the event that a Partner has violated this clause, their Online Shop will be suspended, and the company will demand back the overpayment. Repeat offenders may be terminated without any prior notice.


The new Partner will be placed automatically in their back office according to the placement choice of the upline in their back office. Placement/Enroller cannot be changed and it is irreversible.

Please note that any commissions paid out to Partners must be paid back to AFFLUENCE Global before any changes are made.


A Partnership or Corporation may be an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner according to the following rules:

When a Corporation applies to be an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner, the application must be submitted in the full legal name of the Corporation and include the name and signature of an officer of the company authorized to contract for the Corporation.  A full list of shareholders must also be submitted along with the application.

When a Partnership applies to become an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner, the application must be submitted in the full legal name of the Partnership and include the name and signature of the partner authorized to execute contracts on behalf of the Partnership. A full list of all Partners must also be submitted along with the application.

If any of the Shareholders or Partners are already AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners, then the Corporation / Partnership cannot become an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner except at the Company’s discretion.

If the name of a Partnership or a Corporation is submitted, then cheques shall be issued in that name unless notice is given that the account holder wishes the cheques issued in a personal name.


When adding a co-applicant (either an individual or a business entity) to an existing AFFLUENCE GLOBAL membership, a properly completed Agreement Form containing the applicant’s and co-applicant’s signature (or electronic equivalent) must be submitted.

The original applicant must remain a party to the original application and agreement. If the original AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner wants to terminate his or her relationship with AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, he/she must do so in accordance with AFFLUENCE GLOBAL policy. If this is not followed, the membership shall be canceled upon the withdrawal of the original AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner. Note that the modification permitted within the scope of this section does not include a change in sponsorship.


You can choose to upgrade your AFFLUENCE Global online shop from the “Associate,” “Promoter,” or “Business Builder” to the “Business Owner” level at any time.


Monthly product purchase using the monthly auto-ship is recommended for all Partners. By agreeing to the Terms & Conditions, Partners have elected to subscribe to Standing Order, where auto-ship happens automatically before the monthly commissions are paid out. A monthly auto-ship subscription is highly recommended to avoid the risk of missing the Unilevel Commission.


Each ONLINE SHOP (E-Mall or E-Commerce) is an asset to the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner, which can be sold, passed on as inheritance, willed to a charity, etc. The account requested to be transferred must be active. Accounts on-hold cannot be transferred. Any transfer or sale must be approved by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, upon submission of the proper forms.

A Membership may be sold; the seller (AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner) will submit a Sale of Membership letter, and the buyer will submit an Application letter (package information can be left blank), Including the Buyer and Seller’s picture ID.  Upon approval by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, the membership shall be transferred, including any accumulated group volume. The sale price is negotiated between the seller and buyer without any involvement by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

The person(s) acquiring the membership and becoming a Partner cannot have been an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner in the past 6 months.

All transfers are subject to an Administration Fee of US$250. The seller must submit a sale of membership letter and inform the AFFLUENCE Global office regarding the transfer of membership and follow the conditions and instructions.


Upon the death of an individual or dissolution of a business entity, the membership will be transferred to its successors according to applicable law. A notarized statement or certified court order will be required. The successor - AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner, must provide a signed Application letter and must fulfill all the obligations and responsibilities of the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner in order to continue the membership and receive all of its benefits and bonuses.

If an existing AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner inherits a membership, they can choose which membership they wish to sell given that they cannot benefit from two memberships.


To effect a transfer of an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL business, the successor must provide the following to AFFLUENCE GLOBAL: (1) a notarized copy of the will or other instrument establishing the successor’s right to inherit under the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL business and (2) a completed Application form executed by the successor.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL will only change ownership/payments upon receipt of legal documents relating to the disposition of the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL membership. Until such notice, the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL membership will be operated jointly, on a business-as-usual basis. Under no circumstance will AFFLUENCE GLOBAL split commissions and bonuses between divorcing spouses or AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners of dissolving entities.

In the event that parties to a divorce or dissolution proceedings are unable to resolve a dispute over the disposition of commissions and ownership of the business, the Agreement shall be involuntarily terminated. If a former spouse or former entity has completely relinquished all rights to their original AFFLUENCE GLOBAL business, then they can re-join immediately. In that case, the former spouse or parties shall have no rights to any AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners in their former Group.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners are not required to keep any inventory and can simply refer customers to their website. The AFFLUENCE GLOBAL program is built on retail pricing and Partner pricing. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL also recognizes that AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners may wish to purchase products in reasonable amounts for their personal or family use.

It is AFFLUENCE GLOBAL policy, however, to strictly prohibit the purchase of products or large quantities of inventory in unreasonable amounts solely for the purpose of qualifying for bonuses or advancement in the compensation program.

Retail sales are an integral part of the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL business. The retail price of products cannot be changed when purchasing online.

Products may not be displayed in or sold through retail establishments. This is strictly forbidden and failure to comply could lead to termination.


An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner will perform all their business activities in a professional and ethical manner, which will enhance the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner’s reputation and the positive reputation of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner will conduct their business and dealings honestly and fairly. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners will not engage in any conduct, which would negatively reflect on AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners will be courteous and respectful of every person contacted, including employees of the corporate office. They shall not libel/slander the products, company, corporate staff, or its AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners at any time.

Serious violation of this provision will result in termination of membership and possible legal action. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL defends its brand and reputation vigorously and will take all steps to rectify any and all damage caused through Courts of Law. An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner will never sign on behalf of another AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner or prospect, except as duly authorized. Any violations will be reported to the authorities.

AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Products or Business Opportunities can be marketed/promoted in the following manner/environments:

Trade shows

Social Media

In-home parties

Temporary weekend stands in malls.

AFFLUENCE Global has a strict and enforceable policy on posting AFFLUENCE Global products on online marketplaces and shopping websites. This policy is not flexible. The online marketplaces and shopping websites include but are not limited to:





Facebook Marketplace










Tmall Global




And any other sites in this category

These sites are prohibited from selling any AFFLUENCE Global products. For the avoidance of doubt, any site not listed above as prohibited shall be referred to AFLUENCE GLOBAL for assessment, verification, and possible approval or otherwise.

You shall not misrepresent the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Products or Business / Compensation Plan. You must realize and accept that engaging in deceptive or illegal activities will be grounds for termination. You cannot make appraisal claims other than the ones supplied by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL for any of the products, nor will you misrepresent the income potential of the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Compensation Plan.

Currently, anywhere a statement of income potential is made, you must include the following statement on the same page “Compensation for the majority of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners conducting activities necessary to realize the plan’s benefits for over one year are forecasted to be between US$2,500 and US$15,000 per year. However, there are AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners that earn significantly higher incomes due to their commitment and effort. A typical AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner is one who has the right to sponsor others in the plan, engages in sales to others, and has been an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner of the plan for at least one year.”

You must understand and agree that you are solely responsible for all financial and/or legal obligations you incur in the course of your business as an Independent Partner of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. You must also discharge all debts and duties as required of an independent business.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL believes it has superior products, offers better value, and pays more. A Partner can be part of any other product or service, as long as the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL products and opportunities are not presented in a negative light. An example of negative action could be a Partner actively promoting AFFLUENCE GLOBAL at another company’s event.

Copying of the concept and the way that AFFLUENCE GLOBAL operates its business is strictly prohibited and will be subject to legal action by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL leaders involved in making public presentations shall not also make public presentations for other companies.


Sharing information about other direct selling opportunities and/or products similar to the products and business model of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL with AFFLUENCE Global Partners and customers for the purpose of cross-recruiting is strictly prohibited. AFFLUENCE Global is making giant strides to build and maintain its customer and distributor base and establish new markets. Any effort by an AFFLUENCE Global partner to solicit AFFLUENCE partners and clients for the purpose of promoting another direct selling company or promoting competing companies’ products or services with a similar marketing model is strictly prohibited, and subject to firm legal action.

Confidentiality: I acknowledge that information and materials acquired by me as an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner, including, but not limited to, prospect, customer, and Retailer/Partner lists and genealogy reports, will not be used or disclosed to anyone except for the purpose of promoting and developing my AFFLUENCE GLOBAL business. I fully understand that I cannot offer or solicit any other product or opportunity that competes with AFFLUENCE Global’s products or business opportunities.

On ceasing to be an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner, whether by reason of voluntary termination or involuntary termination, you will not communicate with any AFFLUENCE GLOBAL customer, Partner, shareholder, staff, or supplier on behalf of another company with similar products or business model which includes but not limited to e-commerce, and network marketing. You should at no time slander or libel any AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner or staff or the products or the Business Plan.


Information contained in any genealogy, downline, or recap report is confidential, proprietary to AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, and transmitted to the Partner in confidence.

The Partner agrees not to disclose such information to any third party directly or indirectly or use the information to compete with AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. The Partner agrees they have access to this confidential information only to promote the sale of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Products and the building of a sales force of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners selling AFFLUENCE GLOBAL products.

The Partner and AFFLUENCE GLOBAL agree that if not for this agreement of confidentiality and nondisclosure, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL would not provide the information to the Partner or give them access to our workforce and customers through other means of communication including conferences and web meetings.

By accepting this T&Cs, you agree that you will take all actions reasonably necessary to ensure that the Confidential Information remains strictly confidential and is not disclosed to or seen, used, or obtained by any person or entity except in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

A Partner’s breach of confidentiality for the purpose of disclosing information to a third party or for any other use other than promoting AFFLUENCE Global business and products could be cause for immediate termination and legal action by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.


All Partners are independent contractors and distributors for AFFLUENCE GLOBAL; they are not franchisees, joint ventures, shareholders, employees, or agents of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

Partners are strictly prohibited from stating or implying orally, electronically, or in writing that they are franchisees, joint ventures, shareholders, employees, or agents of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

No Partner has the authority to bind AFFLUENCE GLOBAL to any obligation or otherwise. A Partner, as an independent contractor, is fully responsible for all their conduct in the operation of the Membership. Each Partner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, its officers, agents, and directors against any and all liabilities including judgments, civil penalties, returns, attorney fees, court costs, or lost business incurred by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL as a result of the Partner’s conduct in the operation of their Membership.

The use of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL’s head office mailing address, telephone numbers, or any other contact details for personal use or gain is strictly forbidden. It could result in termination and/or legal action.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL does not recognize any exclusive territories. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners are not restricted from conducting business anywhere permitted by law.


An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner shall report any change in their contact information in writing to the Marketing & Operations Department at AFFLUENCE GLOBAL as soon as possible or change and update the information through the Back Office. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL can only contact its AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners at the most recent information on file; contact at the most recent information on record shall be taken as valid delivery of any information, notices, or documents. If the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner’s mailing address requires a change in either Province/State and/or Country; AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner MUST submit this communication to the Back Office Support team.

All communication with Head Office should include:

AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner’s full name on the application and username


Bonus Buying is strictly prohibited by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. Any investigation that uncovers an attempt to Bonus Buy will result in serious punitive action, up to and including termination.

Bonus buying includes:

The enrolment of an individual or entity as an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner without their knowledge.

The fraudulent enrolment of an individual or entity as an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Business Owner, Business Builder, Promoter, or Associate.

The enrolment or attempted enrolment of non-existent individuals or entities as AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners.


All AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners are encouraged to share their excitement about AFFLUENCE GLOBAL products and business opportunities. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL reserves the right to use statements and photographs voluntarily submitted to its corporate office from AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners and customers in its promotional material without any stated, written, or implied financial compensation.


An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner may not make claims about the products except those officially approved in writing by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL or as contained in the official AFFLUENCE GLOBAL literature. In particular, a Partner may not make any statements, which claim that AFFLUENCE GLOBAL products are intended to treat, prevent or cure any disease. Such statements directly violate AFFLUENCE GLOBAL policy and are prohibited. Note that AFFLUENCE GLOBAL provides nutritional products and they are NOT intended to treat, prevent, or cure diseases.


An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner may not make any representation relating to compensation unless it includes disclosure of the compensation likely to be received by typical participants in the plan as disclosed by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. Hypothetical compensation figures are based upon the inherent power of network marketing, as actual compensation projections are against AFFLUENCE GLOBAL policy and are prohibited. The compensation potential is highly attractive in reality, without resorting to artificial and unrealistic projections. A Partner who violates this policy may be subject to immediate termination.


The names “AFFLUENCE GLOBAL”, “AFFLUENCE”, and all current and future trademarks as well as the names of all AFFLUENCE GLOBAL products are the trademarks of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. Only AFFLUENCE GLOBAL is authorized to produce and market products and literature under these trademarks.

The use of the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL’s names on any product, literature, or electronic media not produced or offered by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL is prohibited unless written approval has been obtained from AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

The AFFLUENCE GLOBAL name, trademarks, logos, and the names of the corporate executives, Board of Directors, Advisory Board, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners, employees or any other professionals who endorse AFFLUENCE GLOBAL may not be used in any form, either written or spoken, without prior written approval by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL makes no warranties regarding possible infringement of any foreign or local patent, trademark, trade name, copyright, or the like caused by a Partner’s operations; and AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners shall have no claim in connection therewith. When a Partner learns of any suit or claim regarding any patent, trademark, trade name, or copyright infringement involving AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, the Partner shall immediately notify the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Head Office.


A Partner may only use authorized promotional materials to promote AFFLUENCE GLOBAL products and opportunities. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL wants to ensure that the prestigious image of the company and its products are properly put on display. Should a Partner wish to generate their own material, including websites, social media, CDs, and DVDs they must first apply to AFFLUENCE GLOBAL for permission to do so with an explanation as to its’ purpose.

All such material must at all times carry the wording “Independent Partner”. Pre-approval is not required for a sign or banner that includes the heading: “Partner”.

Material cannot be false or misleading.

Material cannot promote a particular manufacturer or company.

Partner must have full permission from the authorizing party for further publication.

A Partner must clearly identify themselves as an Independent Distributor / Partner.

Any deviation from these rules could result in termination and potential loss of income. All Forms of advertising using AFFLUENCE GLOBAL names, logos, or trademarks (including but not limited to printed materials, forms, video tapes, and any media including computer networks) must be approved by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL prior to use. A Partner may be liable for damages resulting from unauthorized use of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL copyrights, trademarks, and materials.

AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners may not use or attempt to register any of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL trade names, trademarks, service marks, product names, the Company name, or any derivative thereof, for any Internet domain name. An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner who attempts to change or modify the label or packaging, which misrepresents the products, or who makes claims other than those set forth in AFFLUENCE GLOBAL literature, will be terminated without notice.


An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner’s telephone listing must be under the heading of “Independent Distributor / Partner”. An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner shall not answer the telephone by saying “AFFLUENCE GLOBAL”, or use any other AFFLUENCE GLOBAL trademarks that would possibly give the impression that the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner is an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL employee or that the caller has reached the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL corporate office.

An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner’s Social Media account/handle must be under the heading of “Independent Distributor / Partner”.  An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner shall not name his personal social media account “AFFLUENCE GLOBAL”, or use any other AFFLUENCE GLOBAL trademarks that would possibly give the impression that the private Social Media account of the Partner is an Official AFFLUENCE GLOBAL account.


With increasing public interest in AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners may be contacted by the media. When this happens, the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner must contact AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Head Office immediately. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners are not authorized to make any statements or comments to the media with reference to any or all of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL officers, products, or procedures. Any action/inaction contrary to this is a ground for membership termination.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners shall not reproduce for sale or for personal use any recordings of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL produced recorded materials unless with the express approval of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL


Requests to make changes to an account must be submitted to the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Head Office. To accept a request to make changes in an account, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL must be able to establish the identity of the owner of the account. To confirm the identity of the account holder, requests will be accepted only if received by:

Notice submitted with the signature of the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner on a dated document; if the signature is not on record with AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, then an email from the address on record must be sent or a copy of a government-issued ID with the Partner’s signature must be submitted along with a signed request.

Any account activity in a Partner’s AFFLUENCE GLOBAL account that appears incorrect must be submitted in writing within 30 days of the posting of the account activity to the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Head Office for research and final decision. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL is not responsible for errors and omissions not brought to its attention within 30 days from the time of occurrence.


The Head Office is open during regular office hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm for AFFLUENCE Global Partners. The office is CLOSED on weekends and statutory holidays and as otherwise announced. NO admin work is done on Saturday, Sunday, and Statutory Holidays; any payments or other activity that falls on a weekend will be deemed to be due on the following weekday.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL’s E-Wallet is the only method of payment. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL will deposit Commissionable earnings into your E-Wallet. The amounts of which may be viewed through your Back Office. Through your E-Wallet, money may be transferred to any of the available financial instruments of your choosing.


The AFFLUENCE GLOBAL week is from Saturday to Friday midnight (Greenwich Meridian Time). Any bonus transaction finalized during the week is confirmed on Friday at midnight; Bonuses will be paid every Monday into any of the available financial instruments of your choice.


Marketing Allowance is a reimbursement policy designed to help down-lines business growth and promote your own business. The Marketing Allowance reimburses Partners with 20% of expense claims submitted provided the transaction is wholly, exclusively, and necessarily for the promotion of the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL business.

All claims must be submitted within 30 days of the event. Additionally, funds from the Marketing Allowance can be pooled to support greater team marketing expenses. Corporate headquarters must approve each and every event. Prior to the event, flyers, social media posts, and announcements are essential. Within the timeline Snapshots of the related event must be submitted.

– In-person Business Events

– Hotel Expenses for Business Events

– Team Promotions

– Promotional Material

– Banners

– Business Stationery

– Social Media Advertising

– Team Support Events.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL reserves the right to deduct from payments any account receivable balances owed to AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, including balances resulting from reverse transactions due to chargebacks, clerical errors, and membership and order cancellations. Upline AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners affected by cancellations will have their accounts and payments adjusted accordingly.



As an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partner, you are able to shop 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, by placing an online order using any of the acceptable means of payment.

Bonus points cannot be used to pay for products, shipping, promo materials, etc. Products must be purchased directly from AFFLUENCE GLOBAL online shop or Backoffice in order for the purchase to be eligible for commissions, bonuses, and/or incentives.

All packages are available for collection on the next business day after the sign-up date.

The shipping fees, VAT, and duty charges are the responsibility of the new Partner and not the company.


Forms of Payment Accepted in US Dollars ONLY


Visa Electron

Visa Debit



MasterCard Debit

American Express

Certified Cheque


Wire Transfer

Western Union

PayPal – Payments should be directed to [email protected]

Money Order or Bank Draft: Contact [email protected]

All funds must equal the purchase price in US Dollars after conversion.

Copies of Receipts of Money Order or Bank Draft payments should be forwarded to [email protected] and a copy to [email protected]

Please note that any transaction will not be credited until receipt of payment is confirmed.

All product prices are in US dollars.

Payments in other currencies will be charged in USD. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL is not responsible for covering any foreign exchange conversion rates and fees agreed to between the cardholder and the credit card issuer. All funds must be at least equal to or greater than the purchase price in US Dollars after conversion.

Credit card information provided may be used for membership, monthly auto-ship subscriptions, promotional material orders, and all other purchases from AFFLUENCE GLOBAL unless specific instructions with respect to limiting the use of the card are provided upon becoming a partner of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

Unauthorized use of a credit card is considered fraud and will be reported to the proper authorities. In the event that a mistake is made by the Enroller that results in a charge-back by the partner, the Enroller will be liable for any financial loss incurred by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

Only credit cards bearing the name of the partner may be entered into a partner’s back office. Any 3rd party credit card being used must have written authorization from the owner.


All products go through an 8-step quality control process.

An AFFLUENCE GLOBAL product specialist checks all Payment Approved orders

Orders are then printed and set to processing.

Once orders have been printed, they are sorted by Distribution Center, Pick up’s or specific shipping courier. 

Orders are then pulled by our AFFLUENCE GLOBAL inventory specialist. Each order is reviewed to ensure that all products match each order. An initial is signed for verification.

All products are sent to the QC department, where an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL quality control specialist inspects each item one by one, for any abnormalities. (Eg. leakage)

Once the product has passed QC it is then sent to the packing department. Each item is inspected a second time by an AFFLUENCE GLOBAL packaging specialist, to ensure that all the items have been pulled and checked for any abnormalities.

Once the products have passed its second inspection; all products are packed securely in a shipping box to ensure the products won’t be damaged during shipping.

Each order has its shipping label added on each box, pouch or AFFLUENCE gift bag with the shipping address, and order number before it is sent to the shipping department or prepared for pick up.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL Partners can make Free Pickups at any of our pick-up locations.  When placing orders online, shipping will be automatically charged for everyone which is the cost of shipment to the approved pick-up locations.


There will be a 5% Processing Fee on all refunds issued to the credit card originally used. Refunds include but are not limited to membership packages, renewals, monthly auto-ship payments, product orders, and any other payments processed.


An item may be returned for replacement due to a manufacturer’s defect with an accompanying original invoice or packing slip.  If the item is not available, the partner may choose another item(s) of equal or greater value.  If an item(s) of greater value is selected, the applicable top-up payments are required. 



Notice given to an up-line/sponsor member does NOT constitute notice to the Company

A partner may voluntarily terminate/cancel their membership at any time by sending a written letter to AFFLUENCE GLOBAL. Voluntary termination is effective immediately upon receipt of such document by the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL corporate office. AFFLUENCE GLOBAL may notify any affected parties of the termination. (See “Effect of Termination” below).

On the basis of involuntary or voluntary termination; the legal account owner(s) for a period of 24 months from the date of termination, cannot solicit and/or recruit any Active or Inactive AFFLUENCE Global’ partner including, but not limited to, customer, partner, staff or supplier on behalf of another network marketing company and/or company offering competing product line or business models. Customer and Partner lists and Genealogy Reports will not be used or disclosed to anyone except for the purpose of promoting and developing my AFFLUENCE Global business.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL reserves the right to suspend or terminate any membership at any time for cause when the Partner has violated any provision of the membership agreement, including the provision of the Policies and Procedures, as they may be amended, or the provisions of applicable laws and standards of fair dealing.


Suspension of a partner account will result in, but is not limited to, holding their bonuses, the inability for the partner to access account information online, place orders, or sponsor new partners during the review process. Suspension may be made by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL at its discretion and without prior knowledge.


The partner must appeal the termination in writing within thirty (30) days of the date on the termination letter. If a partner files a timely appeal, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL will review the termination, consider any other appropriate action, and notify the Partner of its decision.

AFFLUENCE GLOBAL decision will be final and shall not be subject to further review. In the event that the termination is not rescinded, the termination will be effective as of the date of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL’s original termination letter.


Voluntary (cancellation, resignation, etc.) and involuntary termination results in the Partners’ loss of all rights to their downline Group. No terminated partner shall present themselves as a partner of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.

The account will be suspended as the owner is no longer a partner of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, and there will be no access to the Back Office.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL is committed to refunding any monies owed. However, if a partner has not first contacted AFFLUENCE GLOBAL, then an extra administration fee of US$50 applies as well as all other costs that may be associated with clearing the chargeback.

Any chargeback that occurs without first communicating with AFFLUENCE GLOBAL will result in forwarding your debt to a collections agency and credit bureau.


All AFFLUENCE GLOBAL products, materials, shipping and handling charges, and other fees are subject to change without prior notice. However, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL will make every effort to give ample notice of any change. A notice of change will be considered upon posting on the AFFLUENCE GLOBAL website.


An Executive Decision or a compliance department Decision may override any part of this Agreement.


This Agreement (comprised of these Policies and Procedures, the Terms & Conditions, and the Business/Compensation Plan) as such may exist or hereafter be amended constitutes the entire agreement of the parties regarding their business relationship, the subject hereof and related hereto.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL reserves the right to amend the Agreement set forth herein, product availability and selection, and compensation plan, as it deems appropriate. Amendments will be communicated to all partners through email or other means that are effective and binding upon all partners as of the date of issuance. In the event of any conflict between the Agreement and any such amendment, the amendment shall prevail. In the event that any company brochures, product catalogues, product lists, literature, website, email-on-demand information, etc., is revised, only the most current version is authorized for use by AFFLUENCE GLOBAL.


AFFLUENCE GLOBAL and its partner shall not be responsible for delays and failures in performance where performance is commercially impractical due to circumstances beyond the parties’ reasonable control including but not limited to, without limitations, strikes, labour difficulties, riot, fire, death, or curtailment of the parties’ usual source of supply, or governmental decrees or orders.


Policy violations by another partner should be submitted via a written report of the violation to the Compliance Department of AFFLUENCE GLOBAL either through mail, or email. Such documentation must bear the writer’s signature and identification number. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted. Details of the incidents such as dates, number of occurrences, persons involved, witnesses, and any supporting documentation, should be included in the report.

Note: No telephone calls will be accepted with such matters. All complaints are held confidential.

No Waiver Provision:

Failure to exercise any power under this Agreement, or failure to insist on strict compliance by a partner with any obligation or provision herein, or custom of the parties at variance with these Policies and Procedures, shall not constitute a waiver of the Company’s right to demand exact compliance with this Agreement; the Company’s waiver of any particular default by a partner shall not affect or impair the Company’s rights with respect to any subsequent default, nor shall it affect in any way the right or obligation to any other partner; nor shall any delay or omission by the Company to exercise any right arising from default affect or impair the Company’s rights as to that or any subsequent default.


To the extent allowed by law, AFFLUENCE GLOBAL and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and other partners shall not be held liable. The partner hereby releases the foregoing from and waives any claim for loss of profit, incidental, special consequential, or exemplary damages, which may arise out of any claim whatsoever relating to AFFLUENCE GLOBAL performance, non-performance, act, or omission with respect to the business relationship or other matter between the partner and the Company whether sounding in contrast, tort, or strict liability. Furthermore, it is agreed that any damage to the partner shall not exceed, and is thereby expressly limited to, the purchase thereby from AFFLUENCE GLOBAL and any commissions or bonuses due.



When you purchase anything from our website, as part of the buying and selling process, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, address, and email address. When you browse our website, we also automatically receive your computer’s internet protocol (IP) address in order to provide us with information that helps us learn about your browser and operating system.

Email Marketing Policy:

With your permission, we may send you emails, when applicable, about our company, new products, and other updates, and you may request to unsubscribe at any time.


How do we receive your consent?

When you provide us with personal information to complete a transaction, verify your credit card, place an order, or arrange for a delivery, we infer that you consent to our collecting it and using it for that specific reason only.

If we ask for your personal information for a secondary reason, like marketing, we will either ask you directly for your expressed consent or provide you with an opportunity to say no.

How do I withdraw my consent?

You may withdraw your consent for us to contact you, for the continued collection, use, or disclosure of your information at any time, by contacting us at [email protected] 


We may disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so or if you violate our Terms of Service.


In general, the third-party providers used by us will only collect, use, and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us. However, certain third-party service providers, such as payment gateways and other payment transaction processors, have their own privacy policies with respect to the information we are required to provide to them for your purchase-related transactions.

For these providers, we recommend that you read their privacy policies so you can understand the manner in which these providers will handle your personal information. In particular, remember that certain providers may be located in or have facilities that are located in a different jurisdiction than either you or us. So, suppose you elect to proceed with a transaction that involves the services of a third-party service provider, your information may become subject to the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which that service provider or its facilities are located.

Once you leave our store’s website or are redirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governed by this Privacy Policy or our website’s Terms of Service.


To protect your personal information, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to make sure it is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed.

If you provide us with your credit card information, the information is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and stored with appropriate encryption. Although no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure, we follow all PCI-DSS requirements and implement additional generally accepted industry standards.


By using this site, you represent that you are at least the age of maturity in your Country of residence, or that you are the age of maturity in your Country of residence, and you have given us your consent to allow any of your minor dependents to use this site.


We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it. If our company is acquired or merged with another company, your information may be transferred to the new owners so that we may continue to sell products to you.


If you would like to: access, correct, amend, or delete any personal information we have about you, register a complaint, or simply want more information; contact our Privacy Compliance Officer at [email protected] or by mail at AFFLUENCE GLOBAL [Re: Compliance Department]; 5 Bissau Avenue, GA-334-7704, AMA, Greater Accra.